Saturday, September 17, 2011

Super mom

I've realized that I have what is an unreasonable desire to be super mom. Lorelai was fussy last night and couldn't stay asleep, which meant I was up with her. At about 5:30 am I finally broke down and woke Brandon to have him tend to her so I could get some sleep. After he woke up and agreed, I felt so guilty, that I just laid there and listened, staying awake.
Then later this afternoon, my mother-in-law offered to keep her for awhile so Brandon and I could rest. Now I know that they enjoy keeping her, and they don't feel inconvenienced in any way, but letting someone else watch her even for a little while makes me feel like I am pawning my parenting responsibilities off on others. And I feel anxious until she is back in my care.
I knew that a baby meant sacrifices, but she has fit into out lives like she was always supposed to be here, and I've not had to give up much. I guess I'm trying to make things harder on myself for some reason.

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