Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Cycle #2 updates

Our first cycle trying for baby #2 was a bust :( but we're moving forward and ready for the next one.  I just ordered 50 ovulation tests, and 20 pregnancy tests as a bundle, for an AWESOME deal.  Even buying the cheap tests from the dollar tree, that number of tests would have been about $70 before tax. On amazon, I only paid the low low price of 13.99, and they'll be here on Friday. 

The whole "trying" process tends to make me a bit nuts.  A few weeks of the fun part, which goes by super fast, quickly followed by two LONG weeks of waiting and obsessing. AND it seems like everywhere I turn someone else is pregnant.  I'm nowhere near the point where seeing pregnant women hurts my feelings (I've been there before, and let me tell ya', it SUCKS), but right now it's making me impatient.

I've been taking my metformin (PCOS makes me insulin resistant, which makes everything go all wonky) like I'm supposed to.  When we were trying for Lorelai, I only took it once per day (I was supposed to take it twice), but now I'm making sure I'm taking it all 3 times per day. I've been on it a month and my last cycle was WAY shorter than the last few, and I've lost like 5 pounds (hello awesome side effect). So for now I'm content with the fact that I'm doing everything I can and I'm just praying for the rest.

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