Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I'm a bad blog keeper

I've been meaning to write this post for awhile but I always forget o_O Anyway....

I've been dieting, and exercising.  It seems like a crazy thing to do while ALSO trying to get pregnant but I have my reasons.  While I had lost all of my pregnancy weight from Lorelai, I was still very overweight (really in the obese category, but who wants to write that down). When I went for my annual appointment and to speak to my Dr about trying to conceive, we talked about a number of things. One of those being my wish for a VBAC delivery with any future pregnancy.  I had a c-section the fist time around, because of how early I was delivering and the fact that my blood pressure was so high.  I didn't want it then, and I REALLY don't want it next time around.  He agreed that I could try for a vaginal birth next time as long as I wasn't having the same BP issues.  He said to lower my chances of having those blood pressure issues in my next pregnancy he'd like to see me lose about 10% of my body weight....which would be 28 pounds. So far I've lost 19.9.  I'm soooooooo close to 20, and then only 8 more pounds and I'm at my first mini goal. 

And apparantly, losing even just 5-10% of your body weight can increase fertility, which is a good thing in my case :)

So we're still trying, and I'm still dieting, and as always praying for another miracle.